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Multiple Codebases for React Native

This document is about multiple code bases of LiveUI in your projects.

Multiple code bases are use for split projects where the project has one or more child project.

Multiple Remote Components

If you create more remote components you have to change the default configurations by creating a file called liveui.config.js with the following content at the root of your LiveUI project (where the package.json is). In this file you define which of your components will be remote.

module.exports = {
shared: ['react', 'react-native'],
exposes: {
foo: './src/index.js',
hotReloadContext: 'src',
microPort: 5001,

If you want to add a new remote component

Things to do in project liveui-child

  • We create our new component file under src.

Then we add our component into liveui.config.js.

foo: './src/foo.js',

To call our component from the parent project

First, we registered liveui in index.js.

import liveui from '@eclipse-muto/liveui-core';
import config from './liveui.config';

Then we add the url of the components we created in the liveui child project under the components in liveui.config.js in the liveui-parent project.

components: {
foo: 'http://localhost:5001/foo',

The 5001 port comes by default. If you want, you can change your liveport in liveui.config.js in the liveui-child project.

Then we call created components in app.js.

import RemoteComponent from '@eclipse-muto/liveui-react-native';
const Foo = () => <RemoteComponent name="foo" />;

And call your fresh new Foo inside the return function.

<Foo />