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Book Universe - Multiple Codebase for React

This application is an implementation of Multiple Codebase for React.

This example consists of 4 applications. The host application which called book-universe consumes cart, payment and product-card.

Clone the samples repo using the following command:

git clone

Starting the Host Application - book-universe

Move to the host application directory:

cd samples/book-universe-multiple-codebase-react/book-universe

Install required packages:

npm install

Start the application:

npm start


Move to the host application directory:

cd samples/book-universe-multiple-codebase-react/cart

Install required packages:

npm install

Start the application:

npm start


Move to the host application directory:

cd samples/book-universe-multiple-codebase-react/payment

Install required packages:

npm install

Start the application:

npm start


Move to the host application directory:

cd samples/book-universe-multiple-codebase-react/product-card

Install required packages:

npm install

Start the application:

npm start